
CEO Advisory Coaching

It’s lonely at the top. Even the most experienced CEO needs someone to act as a confidential sounding board and to provide unbiased feedback. 

I understand what it feels like to hold the expectations of thousands of customers, employees and investors. I use this perspective, in combination with my extensive experience and training in coaching, to help bring out the best in leaders. 

I build long-term relationships that develop clients’ insight into their own typologies – shedding light on motivators, triggers and blind spots. My clients look forward to our coaching meetings, and many say that our work has becomes an integral part of their success.

Team Coaching

Every ELT can benefit from a tune-up. Executive team coaching is a natural extension of one-to-one coaching with the team leader. With some clients I have become an extension of the ELT, joining in meetings periodically to reinforce agreed upon behaviours and priorities. 

In cases where coaching the leader and the team concurrently becomes challenging, I can draw on a small group of associates to participate in the team coaching. 

Often, this work highlights gaps and blind spots on the team, and this can inform the process of talent development and succession planning for ELT level roles.

Strategy Facilitation

The answers to the most important questions facing an ELT are most often found in the room., and the challenge is to ensure that the best answers see the light of day. 

I work with ELTs to help them formulate and implement strategy in creative ways that are most relevant to their situations. 

I am not tied to any particular approach to strategy (at last count I have documented over 20 different approaches to business strategy). My goal is to assist ELTs in reaching a point where their strategy is clear, in their own language, responsive to changing circumstances and practical to implement.

Interested in learning how we can help you or your team?

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